• Grow Together & Succeed Today. Select Membership in the World Community of Amarna and Experience Salvation, Progress, & Prosperity.


    Culturally Re-Educated, filled with Divine Spirit, & Reconnected to our People... Join Us Today!

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    In the Scriptures, it says 'Faith comes by hearing'. So the Reformer blessed Us with full lectures to feed your faith and starve our doubts to death. Amen-ATN.

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    You can show your cultural awareness with the latest modest t-shirts, jewelry, drinkware, cups, and even display the Universal flag of Oneness.

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    Read Blogs & Articles and Share. Don't forget to comment and share your knowledge, by adding value to the blog chats. Post your comments now.

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    Amarnian Trinity Mug

    Give homage while we drinking our morning coffee & eat popcorn, honoring our East-African tradition!

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    Honor the Queen Pull-Over

    Our cultural wear is a sign to all, that you are consciously connected with the Divine. Grab one for the whole family.

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    WCA Military Chain

    Every soldier need their flag on them as symbol of cultural pride, integrity, and duty. Get yours Now!

  • What Are We Doing to Uplift, Save, and Prosper Our People?

    We Follow the Word of the Reformer, to Connect Together, Select Membership, and We build a Great Properous Community.

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    1. Teachings

     Yashua started ministering, counseling, and guiding since he was a pre-teen. It all began with a vision at nine years old, and now his cultural reforming teachings are published all over the world. He is changing lives. We that receive a prophet, receives a prophet's reward (Matt: 10:41).

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    2. Community

    From Belief, Trust, and Applying the Cultural Teachings, We evolve into cultural community (WCA). We commune and congregate, protect and support our members, both locally and globally. Want to see greater progress? Join Us for Individual, Family, and Community Upliftment!

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    3. Reconnectivity

    With the Reformer's Teachings and membership in the World Community of Amarna (WCA), We instantly are reconnected with our East-African kin, as cultural remnants, that has returned home. We will launch a fundraiser soon to purchase a church and school in Chicago, with a restaurant. Yes, We desire to erect a cultural village in Ethiopia.

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    4. Prosperity

    As World Community members (WCA), We take on the Reformer's vision, that inspire Us to establish cultural centers, temples, restaurants, schools, and businesses. We must invest in ourselves, clothe ourselves, feed ourselves, educate ouselves, police ourselves, and heal ourselves. Members will receive monthly stipend from community businesses.

  • "True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge;

    it is an awaking of the soul which goes through successive stages." Extracted from Temple of Luxor  

    "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,

    rightly dividing the word of truth." 1st Timothy 2:15 New Testament Bible

    "Lord! Increase me in knowledge." Surah 20:114 from the Quran




    Wake Up, Clean Up & Stand Up for the Creator,

    Ancestors and Our People (Locally & Globally). 

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    Daughters of the Nile

    The Daughters of the Nile are the original Proverbs 31 women, renown in East Africa for her modesty, feminity, faith, and beauty, such as Queen Nefertiti and the Queen of Sheba. Enter the Nefertiti Cilvilization Class & leave out a reflection of the Divine Mother!

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    The Holy Temple of



    Join Us every Sunday 12:00 pm Chicago time for our Video Broadcast w/Q&A.

    Limited seats available.

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    Are You L.OY.A.L.?

    God is calling men back to duty, integrity, and honor as LOYAL: "Lions of Yehudah in the Army of the Lord". Our beautiful cultural women need protectors, providers, and fearless men that are obedient to God, to assist the Reformer in his world mission. Are you L.O.Y.A.L.?


    Want to share your experience? Email Us your name and your testimony about how the Lord is using

    the Life-Saving Teachings of the Reformer to bless your life". And We will post it here.

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    “I found my Saviour when I heard him teaching on Black Women and the Destruction of Family.”

    — Sister Michelle

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    “Black America & Africa is in darkness and looking for hope. Yashua is our only Light.”

    — Brother Ali and Sister Amirah

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    “Praise be unto the Most High for our Teacher & being that voice of awakening for our generation.” 

    — Brother Khalil

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    The Reformer

    Learn more about our Teacher and Cultural Guide in these moden times. Get knowledge about his Rebirth, Divine Revelation,

    and our World Reformation.


    Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is His name, and what is His son's name, if thou canst tell? 

    Proverbs 30:4

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